Thursday 5 November 2015

Taste Testing

I attend a cooking class with year eight's and last week after a demonstration of what they are cooking next, the teacher has a taste test. As the kids were at tables of four, she had a plate for each table and each food.
First food was strawberries. the kids were to taste and write down what is was in they knew, the flavour, sweet or savoury, they liked it and would they eat it again. Strawberries were easy and they all knew that, all but one student ate one and said that they would eat it again.

The next tasting was purple cabbage, the class was mixed on that one and there were only a few kids who knew what it was.

We tasted about eight things altogether all fruit and vegetables.Parsnip and asparagus they had been lightly cooked were two that none of the kids and even the other teacher aide, a guy in his sixties knew what it was.

Day five of nanowrimo and I am up to 7651 words, I have written 2000 so far today and hope/plan to do another thousand or so. At the end of day five should have 8334 under the belt.

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