Friday 4 May 2018

Tax time!

No, we are not early but late. One of those things that that you know has to be done but theres plenty of time, then its gets to the stage that there is no longer plenty of time.

Our accountant usually comes to us but as he is a bit busy just now, he gave us a time provided we went out to his place. He told us when we left to take the milage so we can claim it next year.

Had a nice visit, checked out the house and his latest "toys" hes very keen on railway and in his shed he had two trolleys that he had bought.

After leaving and getting a nice result from tax, we visited a small national park just down the way.

Massive trees, I made Warren stand by this one to show the size.
We could also see right across to the ocean, also we were about two hours away from it.

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