Thursday 24 May 2018

Robin Hood Inn

This was our hotel for the night. A hotel in the middle of no where but the road called Military road went straight it and of course so did the Hadrians path. Only three rooms for guests but it was a hopping little place last night for drinks and meals.
There was only one double and two twin rooms so Warren and took the twin, quite large rooms they were with nice sized bathrooms. One place we stayed at was very cramped, I bumped my head on the shower wall when going to sit on the loo. I learnt to come in sideways and twist. Getting into the shower was interesting too as had to squeeze past the drying towel rack to get in the doorway, I was thankful that I had lost some weight.

From the bed, there were two nice bay windows.
Cute saucers, the cups didnt match but they were dainty. One chocolate makes two cups.
Scene from the bedroom window 

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