Sunday 6 May 2018

Wants v Needs

This is always hard one and it took me a long time to work out the difference.
I like to think that I am better than I used be but there are still times that I buy things just because I want it not that I need it. I certainly dont need any more dishes or house hold things as I am decluttering excess things.

Mothers Day is hovering in the near future (next Sunday) and I walked passed a chemist shop a couple of weeks ago and of course they had a large display of possible gifts for mothers day. I stopped and looked and even spoke to the saleswoman, saying something along the lines of i like them but I dont need one and then walked away.

Last week I needed to go to the Post Office and as I had parcels to carry, I asked Warren to park in the nearest carpark which meant we walked past the display again. Hum, I pointed ut out to Warren. He liked them too. It was definately a want not a need, luckily not too many dollars changed hands. Now I have to find the green tea that is hiding in the pantry somewhere.
There are dragons around the cups and pot, Warren pointed out that dragons are my sign so of course I should buy it.

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