Thursday 17 May 2018

Bowning on Solway

Seventy eight properties are here with only one empty. Only business is a pub, the Kings Arms, we had dinner there both nights. I had Gammon the first night, the others had lamb chops. Second night Warren and I had Hunters chicken which was a breast of chicken wrapped in  bacon with melted cheese on top, a small salad and a baked potato. £22.

We felt the room was a bit of a rip off, we had been quoted £45 then we find out it was per person! So £90 per night or $180 for not mucn. Room was nice but imho not worth $180. The second night was part if the tour but the first night we paid ourselves.

The guys drove the hire cars back to Carlisle and then caught the midday bus back. £6.50 or $13 to go 20 kilometres.

The girls went for a walk, out of town one way and then the other.
We talked to a lady working in her garden and she invited us in to see the rest of it. Her husband was working in the back and asked if we would like coffee or English tea. The three of us continued around the garden and then the husband called to us. He had a tea tray out with tea and biscuits!

We sat and chatted for awhile and then we were shown through the house. They lived right on the shoreline.

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