Monday 30 April 2018

Spare Ribs

I love spare ribs and I saw some to buy a few weeks ago. Like usual I put them into the freezer and forgot about them. As I am trying to empty the freezer by using up the meat thats in there, I came across them. I also found a bottle of marinade that I had bought when I was last at Costco. That seemed a bit too liquidy so I added some plum sauce that had been at the back of the cupboard. Young in country NSW has the best plum sauce and I buy five or six bottles when we are passing through.

The ribs were in one big piece so I cut them into indiviual pieces to help the marinade get in and around them.

On a bed of caulifower rice and green beans, yummo! There was enough ribs for two meals, not bad for $8.

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