Saturday 12 May 2018

Flight to Beijing

We got to the airport early even before the check out lines opened. I Saw there was a cache nearby that was still green so I wondered over to get it. Following the gps on the phone, I ended up crossing a ditch, looked for a solid patch to put one foot on it. Fail! Down went one foot into the mud up to my ankle. The sneakers had been washed onky the day before, now I had one wet and soggy shoe and the bottom oh my pants leg wet as well.

I ventured on, no point going back. Passed the memorial  and just a bit beyond. Walking up and down a couple of times before using the brain matter. Ha! A smilie and two trackables to move. Funny that I found a neat concrete path to go back.

Check in was happening when I returned so we joined the queue, it seemed to take forever, one guy had a problem and was at counter for 20 minutes or more, meaning that only one was handling the masses.

Our seats were two over to the side of the plane and I did have a reasonable sleep, I think it was because we took our travel pillows.

Inflight entertainment left a lot to be desired, ten channels all in Chinese. Woken up at 3.30 am to have breakfast as we were due in at 5 am. We werent due to fly out again until 2 pm so my main priorit was to find the hourly hotel and grab some sleep and a shower before the next leg.

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