Thursday 17 May 2018

Port Carlisle

This was our first stop, one mile in. A guy has a signpost opposite his house and for a donation he will put up walkers hometown and the distance, then take a photo.
We had walked on the road til almost this part and then it was a small pathway. A variety of tracks from roads to paths to walking through or alongside of paddocks put down to crops, through some fields amonst the sheep and cows (and poop).

Track is well signposted with small wooden signs saying Hadrians wall walk and acorns. Near the end of our walk we did met two other walkers and one guy overtook us, he did stop to chat, well we talked to him but we figured he was a hiker and probably doing it in four days.

Taken from our bedroom window, we are staying at a farm house just off the road. Lady of the house drove us the 2 mile into next town for dinner at the local pub, she also picked us up again. They have 180 milking cows. It was fun to see them bought up for milking.
Great sunny day.
Still a little way to go in above photo but that is the hamlet of our accommodation. wh.

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