Monday 14 May 2018

Money, money money.

The root of all evil they say.
When embarking on a trip, its always a worry of how much money to take, usuallt its not as easy as just going to the atm and withdrawing some or ratting around in the cupboards and making a scratch meal if one is a bit short.

Warren has his own bank account and each fortnight a little bit of money dribbles in there for whatever he wants to spend it on. He discovered that it can be changed into different currencies. I transferred an amount to that account for use overseas. I also got some pounds in cash.

We had National Australia bank travel cards which we have used before but they had expired. I had to request new ones. Once they came I put some money in there and requested pounds. We had three different lots of money. As the new cards had their own pins, we took each others in case we forgot the numbers.

Once we arrived in London, Warren told me that he thought he didnt bring the pin number for my card. I did think that I had memoried it. Then I got to thinking that because the English pounds are much bigger, I had changed wallets and of course my travel card was in the other wallet, at home.

Thank goodness for internet banking so I can move some other money into Warrens account.

The other hassle we had was people changing £50, nobody is willing to do it. We were advised to go to a bank. Found a bank, that was no trouble, finding a place to park was the difficulty, went in but no, they could not change it for us, it was against bank policy. If we had an account with the bank they could put it into the account and then give us smaller notes.

We bought an iced coffee at Maccas and changed a note there.

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