Saturday 19 May 2018

Carlisle to Newtown

Left the guest house at 8.15 after a breakfast of egg, sausage, mushrooms, potato scone bacon and black pudding, certainly know how to do breakfast. Cereals, fruit, juice and toast are on hand plus coffee or tea.

Walked through a great park, talked to a few people who were walking their dogs
 Everything is so green, noone can beleive the weather, how good it is at the moment. Lots of trees and flowers in bloom.
Coming into a small village about 11am, thinking it would be nice for a stop and a coffee. A pub on the corner, great, some one drove past and called out that it didnt open til 12 noon.  We kept going, saw a sign for Eden tea rooms Warren rang to see if they were open and where they were. Two miles in the opposite direction. Turned up the walking path and 100 metres along was a sign saying refreshments. A farm had a small shelter with fridges and hot water. It was a honesty thing, cold drinks, ice creams etc etc.even a loo out the back.
Further along the track there were two more honesty boxes with snacks and water.
Lot of walking in farmer browns paddocks today. 15.3 kms

It was quite warm and I had to take my jacket off and I did get a little sunburntt

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