Thursday 24 May 2018


I caught a taxi from Hexham to the Robin Hood Inn. Lucky that I did as there were no buses.

Yesterday when leaving the Robin Hood, the bar tender gave me a card to ring for a taxi, I rang and requested one for 10am. I received a text at 9.35 to say taxi had been dispatched, just before 10am, I received another to say it was about to arrive. I hadnt even got my phone out when it turned in.

My destination was Heddon on the Wall (that is the full name of the town) where the plan was to meet the others for morning tea or lunch depending on what time they would arrive. I arrived at approx 10.15 and cost £9.40. I wandered the town a bit, the pub wasnt open til 12 noon. I found a cache in the common but everything else was too far away.

I retired to a coffee shop, yay not many of those around. The others got in around noon. They walked one way and I walked the other. I could have grabbed a bus then changed to another bus but decided to finish by taxi for convenince. Again it was a quick turn around and cost me £5.

This taxi service runs a little like Uber, cannot hail them only by ringing but they are classed as taxis, have the same licenses etc as the ones to hail. Flagfall starts at 10p. Cost from Hexham to Robin Hood Inn cost me £19.20 different company.

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