Tuesday 28 February 2017


I was "baby sitting" the boys last week and as it was the oldest's birthday and he loves Sizzler we were going to take him there for dinner.

The plans of men and mice (and mine) are there to be changed as Grandson was scheduled to work on that night, so I was the driver instead and dinner was put off til the next night when all could attend. They had to come here as we have one of only four Sizzlers left operating. I dont know if that is correct but I know the one that we went to for Christmas dinner has closed down as have several others across Australia.

It had been ages since we have been to Sizzlers, everyone ordered steak except me, I decided the grilled garlic prawns would be a lighter meal. We tried not to fill up on salads while our meals came and we didnt do too bad. My meal came out first and it was sizzling and spitting fat/juices everywhere. I was reminded of Chinese meals in China when a sizzling plate would come out but they would always hold a napkin in front of the person being served so that they didnt get splatted. I adopted the same thing as it did spit and splat for some time. My grilled garlic prawns were in a sea of fat with some rings of capsicum and a few chips that were so salty, I couldn't eat them.

The steaks were apparently very good, Warren had some ribs with his and he gave me one, so melt in the mouth. We followed up with chocolate mousse and a small piece of pavlova and then left as it was very cold in there. As they had stuffed up the order a bit and it didnt come out together we were given a 30% off ticket for the next time we go and it is valid for three months. I must remember to ask for the ribs not the prawns!

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