Thursday 2 March 2017

Heart Coasters

I receive emails on sewing projects and sometimes I see one that I think I would like to make. It was called heart drink coasters and the inserts were slightly different colours which I particularly liked.

It took me two days and it shouldn't have taken that long to make four 'simple" coasters. They were fiddlier than I thought. (I dont usually do fiddly!)

There was no actual pattern except the heart which i downloaded and printed off and the measurements were in inches, thats not a drama as thankfully I have a tape measure that has inches on one side and cms on the other. I made one and decided it was too small and the heart was also too small so back to the drawing board. I ended up cutting squares five and a half inches alround as apposed to the four and a half inches. I thought that any glasses would catch on the insert of the heart. I had a heart shaped small note pad so I traced around that to use.

Two pieces and sew around the heart then cut out the heart and turn in the right side. I ironed a light stiffening on the fabric.

Sew around the two pieces to hold into place.
Next the fabric for the insert and then another piece on top and sew together, then turn through.
Finished product, after sewing around the outside and the heart again.

I was thinking of making them for a small gift but no, I wouldn't make these again. Too fiddly and i dont think they are that practical, these four will be going into the caravan. 

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