Sunday 12 February 2017

Yu Gardens

These are in Shanghai and the area around is a very busy market place but tucked away in a quiet street is the entrance to Yu gardens and that is a quiet and serene place of beauty.

It is a few years since we have visited but while having lunch yesterday in front of the TV as it was too hot to do anything but vege out, a program we had been watching changed very quickly to the next program and suddenly on the screen was this imposing Chinese building. Warren and I both said at the same time that looks like Yu gardens. The new program was called The Travel Bug and this guy was travelling around Japan and then on to China finishing up in Hong Kong.

They focused on the market are for a couple of minutes and then into the gardens themselves. Cool shaded and tranquil like we remembered. Its nice to see places that we know and have visited.

Later there was a Landline program on and as we are both from the country we like to watch that program occasionally to see the new  techniques being using in farming. It was a completely different program from normal as it followed a group of farmers who were travelling to China to meet with potential buyers of their produce. They travelled around meeting government officials and Chinese business groups then did some sight seeing and you guessed it one of the places was Yu Gardens.

Yu gardens was also featured on a travel program that we watched this morning so three times in the space of less than 24 hours on three different channels we had seen Yu gardens. have never seen it on TV before.

It is on my agenda to go back when we are there in May, maybe this is a reminder to re visit it. In my opinion, it is one of the best things to visit in Shanghai.

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