Sunday 5 February 2017

Excitement in our household!

We put out our first geo caches for others to find. I didn't do it quite right and the reviewers sent me an email asking for more information.

I got Sheridan to check the co ordinates and she even took what we had and attempted to find them, two were put out. Thankfully she was able to find them quite quickly. Which indicated that the co- ords were right.

The first ones are easy ones, a D/T of 1.5 which means it is a bit of a walk but less than one kilometre and the terrain is not hard but it is not on concrete paths. D standing for difficulty and T meaning terrain.

I sent the answered questions back to the reviewer and they must have been happy as it was published within 24 hours and two hours after that a cacher found it well two actually as they went out together at 9.20 at night. it is in a park but there is no street lighting. Five people have found it since Wednesday. we get an email each time some one logs it.

These are the caches that we have prepared with "swag" in them, the idea is to take something and leave something if you want, usually its stuff for kids. A log book and a pen/pencil. The one on the left is what is out its called January and has a code as well. Warren made the two on the left with storm water pipe and bungs.

Today we went for a drive as I have some other spots where I want to leave a cache and needed to check a suitable place, parking safely and the co-ordinates, it also needs to be suitable for the size that we have. I do have smaller ones called bison tubes which only hold a log sheet but I want to get the bigger ones out first. 

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