Thursday 16 February 2017

Valentines day and Lunch

We had an appointment changed from Tuesday to thursday. Monday night I suggested to Warren that we go out for lunch as we had nothing else on, which is a bit of a rarity these days.

We threw around some ideas, more it was places that we have already been to and liked. I suddenly realised that the next day Tuesday was Valentines day. Nuh, we figured that as we would be gong for lunch it wouldn't be that busy. We dont "do" valentines day.

We had settled on going to a beach side town for fish and chips then a walk along the beach with Lucy as she had not been on sand before. About 10.30 am it looked as though it may rain so Plan B was put into action still going to the beach but in a restaurant.

We left early to get a table, lucky as when we got there they only had one left, they had a lot of bookings. Pink and red heart balloons were dotted around the place. It is not much more than a cafe with outdoor covered seating but it was very popular.

Last time we were there we ordered a pizza and a bread, the bread came out pizza shaped with herbs and cheese and was like a pizza in itself so we constrained ourselves and only ordered one pizza between us, even then that was plenty.

Coming home, I couldn't believe how many places on the roadsides selling or advertising flowers for Valentines Day. In the space of twenty kms, I didn't count but there must have been six or seven vehicles out with flowers for sale, shops had hearts up and teddy bears. Oh boy it has gone very commercialised.  I guess once Christmas and then Boxing day sales are over, retail sector runs into Valentines day, Hot cross buns have been available for some time and then Mothers day.

We (Australia) hasn't moved on to Children's day but it wouldn't surprise me if that comes up soon especially as it being the first of June, it would definitely fill a "void" as its rather slow between mothers day and fathers day in the retail market.Then there is Grandparents day/ old people day plus singles day, these are all celebrated in China. The retail giants could have a field day if they adopted these as well

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