Monday 6 February 2017

Lucy's walk

Yesterday evening I took Lucy in the car to an area for a walk, I think most people had the same idea as there were people riding horses and exercising their dogs. it is a off leash area. we didn't get very far and i could see that Lucy was a bit freaked with barking dogs and big things (horses) that snorted at her, so we came home. Almost as soon as I had Lucy back in the car with her harness on, a guy drove up with a ute full of dogs, they were leashed in the back and when he released them, they all piled out and ran and ran, one about Lucy's size cleared the ditch and covered about six metres with one jump.

We returned this morning as it is a nice area, it was like a very different place. The horses were all confined to one area and they were together under the shade and just ignored us as we walked past which suited us. Only one other dog and he and his owner were well in front of us no dramas there. Lucy was a bit interested in the ducks that on the ground and stood in amazement when a couple took to the air.
A huge area with a pathway around it and exercise equipment dotted here and there.
Lucy bemused by horses, there were about eight altogether. The darker one on the right, came over to the fence yesterday while we were walking and really put the wind up Lucy, there s only two strands of wire and a few feet between them and the path.
There are some ducks in the middle of the shot, I didnt want to go too close and frighten them off.

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