Wednesday 8 February 2017

My "hooky"day

On Monday night I was asked to work today and I did say yes, couldn't yesterday, work that is as I had Red Hats. I had thought about dinner and our lunches for today being a work day and pretty much everything was under control for it to be a work day.

A phone call last night asking if I really wanted to work or could I be replaced. By all means replace me, I was happy with that. Dont get me wrong, I do like the work but the travel and the heat gets to me these days and I like being at home pottering.

Warren went for a shower at 6.15 am and as I turned over in bed, I thought, if I was working, I would have had to be up and about by now. i did up soon after as I was awake. Lucy apparently wasn't well in the night and Warren had a bit of a mess to clean up. With that in mind, I opted not to take her out this morning.

Then I realised that it was like a free day for me or a chance to play "hooky." I did a bit on the computer and rang a friend and arranged to go for coffee, not something that I do very often. I fixed up some insurance issues that I had at the back of my mind to do but it had been put off. went for coffee, shopped with my friend, she bought, I didnt as I only needed to go to the bank.

Came home and Warren wasnt home so I did an hours sewing before getting lunch, put food or the jug on for coffee and he seems to come home.

Dinner is already just to heat up so a good and different day, now if only I could get my sewing project to work out how I want it to, but maybe tomorrow it will work.

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