Tuesday 14 February 2017

Heat and a quick project

Oh, its has been hot and while cooler today, only 31 degrees, it is still hot. All of Feb so far has been over 30 degrees each day and it seems that it will continue for a few days yet.

I finished my denim bag a few days ago and there was still some fabric left. I hate throwing out what I think are usable pieces and I was washing the pegs that came out of the camper van ready to go into Maggie Two when I had a light bulb moment. Got to love them.

I could make a peg bag from the denim! No pattern of course, and this is what I came up with in the end (and still have some fabric left over)

It is bigger than it looks and holds two dozen pegs and a hanging line.

Again all materials came from my stash. The letters I had left from when I made something for the Grandkids and I wanted to put their names on them, as there are a lot of A's between them, I needed two packs.

With the heat and staying inside, its a good opportunity to get these little projects done, just need some inspiration and ideas.

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