Monday 20 February 2017

A different way to shop

I spent some time away babysitting/kid sitting for a few days. I didnt know what to do for meals so did some shopping after asking what they would like to eat. Both boys need a high fat diet so very different to how I shop and cook. Pies were requested along with "little boys" I think the real name is cocktail franks but i did know what he meant.

After the school run, I went shopping and again it was an exercise in reading labels which I dont usually need to do these days. Pies were easy and so were the little boys but we cant exist on those alone. I didnt buy a great deal but it took quite a time to shop because of the different needs.

Its funny how quickly one gets used to what can and does work. Oldest one made himself two bacon sandwiches before we left to take him to work. I had the last pie after younger one says he doesnt like pies, he had ham and cheese sandwiches. Movie night was the next night so it was little boys and chips.

A maccas run for brekkie the next morning as younger one had been a big help and that was pay off. Lunch was potato and cheese pies with dim sims. Chicken and chips for dinner. Chicken with fried rice and vege for lunch and roast lamb and roast veges for dinner.

Weighed myself this morning after getting home and it must have been a good diet for the boys but in four days I had regained what I had spent the last six weeks discarding so back to the drawing board again.

Of course there was no Lucy's walks either for me so not a lot of exercise while I was there.

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