Thursday 16 February 2017

Six months with Lucy

We realised the other day that Lucy has been here with us for six months and it would seem strange now if she wasn't here.

She has gained some weight, grown taller and longer. She was stretched out on the carpet a few days ago and I measured her from toe to toe and my goodness she was over one and a half metres long. Because she has grown her colour has changed and she is more brown now than red.

Some family members have said that she is a spoilt dog, not sure why they would say that but here is one of the latest of her photos.

She will actually stand in front of Warrens chair side on so he can pick her up and she is quite content to lay there and go to sleep. It doesn't happen all the time.  She had been asleep but when I got off my chair to get the camera she was watching me with her beady eyes.

After a few episodes of her having car sickness, we think we have that under control well, Lucy hasnt vomited in the car this year and I guess she would have a couple of trips in the car each week. Ginger biscuits and the back window open for her as we drive, we open it about half way just so she can get some air in her face. problem then is to remember to shut it when we stop.

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