Friday 10 February 2017

Beautiful Cards

I have never one for cards and its not something that i write, send or give. I would rather ring or speak to someone or if I am buying a gift, I would prefer to spend extra on the gift.

In saying, I do like it when I/we receive a card, possibly i am a hypocrite or lazy to do the cards thing.

Anyway we were sent a card from a Chinese couple that we met when working in China. This was for their Chinese New Year or Spring Festival as we know it. I always said to my students that their Spring Festival was like our Christmas, not in the religious side but where its the gathering of family together where possible. Spring Festival was 28 Jan as the start of their spring and good things to come in the way of crops and better weather.

When we were teaching we were told not to engage in politics or religion theirs or ours which was fair enough but of course the kids had questions.
This was the card and unlike our cards, it didn't open but the white area slipped up and then that part opened up (I have taken the photo on the side)

Such as this. I also received another card for my birthday which was recent, the card was all black with kimono dolls on the front. Very striking and all the members of our ladies group signed it for me.

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