Thursday 9 February 2017

Finally I finished my bag

I read about "Share the Dignity" bags a couple of weeks ago and thought it was a good idea. it is to donate a handbag to women who for whatever reason may not have a bag. Women in homes, refuges etc, while reading the person who put up the link was talking about bags for teenagers and young women. If they have had to left the family home especially with children then they would be more likely to grab things for the kids rather than themselves.

I thought it was a worthwhile charity and researched where a drop point is, I actually know the woman who accepts bags to the STD.

Then a brainwave hit me, younger girls/women could be happier with a younger type bags and as I had denim material sitting in my fabric stash with no purpose, I decided to design and make one.

It has taken awhile and I had to modify it and because of that the zipped top then didn't fit so I have done away with that and the closure is just the flap over. It is lined and had a zipper pocket at the back.

With the bags go some toiletries as well so I am on the lookout for some small shampoos, soaps etc to go in the bag.

I did use dark blue cotton and now in the photos I can see it but it blends in well otherwise. This is the back with the zipped pocket.
It doesn't have adjustable straps but I measured it on me and it should be okay.

It is lined inside and has a hem along the top of the bag. Being denim, it should be hard wearing.

I had a little to finish this morning and I was sewing along and suddenly it seems the lights went out but the machine was still going. I hadnt turned the light on as it was brilliant sun when I went in and Warren put a skylight above my sewing machine a few years ago. The sun had gone under a cloud and made it dark!

Off to find some more material to make a couple more, now that I have ironed out the hassles. 

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