Tuesday 13 June 2017


Like a lot of things, when they are fine we dont usually think much about them but when they become a problem, boy are they a problem!

Warren's teeth have never been that great. The Army did a wonderful thing and gave him eight post and crowns, great until several years later they start to break down and literally break off.

One broke in to pieces we were on our way back from Alice Springs last month. As his partial plate wasnt fitting that well, he couldnt put off going to the dentist anymore. At least he didnt have any pain with the broken one.

We could see big bucks needing to be laid out. I suggested he ask to have them all out and a full plate but dentists dont want to do that.

Third apt was Friday afternoon and he came home after with a swollen mouth and a bit woozy. Soup and scrambled eggs was all he could manade to eat over the weekend and many snoozes.

By Saturday morning he looked like an ape, as it was only his top lip that was swollen and gave the appearance of an ape. Thankfully it has gone down to almost normal.
He had a check up on Monday morning, everything was fine and he bounced home and said lets go. We were going to leave for a few days away but then didnt think he was okay to go but he had improved out of sight overnight.

Hopefully thats the top lot of teeth sorted but he has another apt after the school holidays to see what needs doing on his bottom teeth. More money, damn.

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