Saturday 10 June 2017

Nightlife in Fuyang

As it was hot we went out at night the two nights that we were in Fuyang.

A seafood or at least a crab eating place with a couple of electric police vans parked outside.
No problems with electricity here
This is in a courtyard of a large shopping centre, many people came out in the evening when its cooler, young  kids skate, older kids play basketball or throw hoops, parents and grandparents sit and chat. Often they bring their own low plastic chairs, what we would deem as a kiddie chair, no way would I sit on one.
Waiting for the bus the next morning, ours wasn't there just yet. Security is quite high with having to check all bags through a scanner like at an airport, although one does have to load and unload own bags underneath bus. Tickets are checked before going through the door and sometimes checked again by the driver before entering the bus.
A nice photo of one of the parks, its amazing how much the trees have grown.

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