Tuesday 27 June 2017

Dirty Dogs

What a name for a business! We contacted them the other day and got Lucy a bath and her nails clipped for $24.

Lucy has been bathed before by me in our bath at home and although she hasnt struggled or tried to get out, she has not been terribly helpful. I have put her lead on and taken her into the bathroom and shut the door behind us. She had then made herself quite heavy and planted her feet pretty firmly on the floor. I have had to lift her front feet first then rear feet into the bath where she will stand while I soap her and finally rinse her off. She gets out herself and of course gives a few shakes before we get to the back door and outside.

Fourty minutes it took me to clean the bath, the floors and walls last time.

The trailer comes to the house, Lucy gets treats, Warren did need to help her step up into it but she loves it and the girl Jackie who bathed her. Jackie and the Dirty Dog trailer will be back again next month for Lucy's bath.

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