Monday 26 June 2017

An Unexpected Road Trip

I was on my way home from taking Lucy for a walk when my phone rang, as I was driving I couldnt answer it until I pulled up at home. It was Sheridan, her and the boys were in our neighbourhood. She had a proposal for me of a road trip.

11 am saw us leave after I located some snack food for the boys. Road trip was about 180 kms up the road heading north. Success as we found what she was looking for and a few others as well on the way home.

Rang Warren and asked him to take out some chicken for dinner. Later, when we were only a few minutes away from home, he messaged me to tell me what we wefe having for dinner. Chicken drumsticks with mushroomand tomato with cauli, broccoli and sweet potato.

A good day and then to have dinner cooked for me, a bonus.

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