Friday 9 June 2017

Bush walking with Lucy

Lucy and I set off for a walk and to find a cache. A bush walk led to it or we could have gone around the roads and parked fairly close. I decided to take the long way although I didnt realise it was quite so far until I parked the car.

888 metres as the crow flies. it was a nice day so we got going. Lucy's nose was doing over time, she could smell something in the air and so could I at times. Kangaroos have a distinct smell and once you have smell it and identified it, it stays with you.

I dare say that roos would go through there quite often, we didnt see any which I as thankful for, dont know how Lucy would react if she did see one and some kangaroos in the wild can be aggressive.

Got the cache it was near a bridge and honouring one of the police who were shot in the course of his duties, sad. Coming back we crossed a small creek which told us that platypi  (think that is the spelling) had been seen there.
We didnt see, actually we didnt see any wildlife. The path certainly meandered though and it took awhile to get there and back. We had to cross under a highway and there is nice art work on the under side of the bridge.

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