Thursday 15 June 2017

A Heritage Walk through Tooraweenah

Such a great little place just off the highway to the North. Last time we were here we really didn't have the time to do the town walk. Yesterday we set out to rectify that and what a great walk it was. Actually we didn't even do it all in one go then as we got talking to one of the locals, although he has only been living here for 6 years, as we all laughed about the fact that he may be classed as a local in another twenty years or so.

We are staying at the caravan park, nice park, happy hour each night around an open fire and it was stew and damper night last night for $8. One of the points is just outside the caravan park so we started at no 17 which was the site of the first hotel in the area.

The walk is around 3 kms with 26 points of interest and takes approx 2 hours to walk. A very pleasant walk in a very quiet town.
This s the one that is outside the local playground and park.
It has been well done telling about the history of the town.

This morning we walked out the other way and finished the heritage walk which took us past another church and the local school.
A lady that we met at a happy hour was a teacher here for two years, arrived 54 years ago, she said that growing up in Sydney, and then coming to the countryside Tooraweenah was a real wake up for her. 

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