Friday 9 June 2017

Fuyang Zheijang China

This was a very small city when we worked there with the main industry being the manufacture of paper. It is about 45 kms from Hangzhou the capital of Zheijang roughly an hour to the South West, it is situated on the Fuchun river.

Warren had booked a hotel on-line using C Trip a website that we had used quite a bit when living in China. The hotel was placed between both schools that we had worked at and we figured we knew our way around.

The road that the hotel was on, had been the last road of the city but not any more. The city seemed to have more than doubled in size, we walked for a few blocks out from our road and it was high rise and shopping centres in abundance. However we did find that not many places had English speakers. We ventured into KFC for dinner one night and no one spoke English and unlike other KFC's they did not have a menu printed in English, I couldnt be bothered trying to make my self understood so we walked out and into Pizza hut next door where there was an English menu.

The weather was cool for the full that we were in Fuyang and we walked several kilometres retracing places and memories.
This was our hotel room, with the shower and toilet tucked away to the right, the white square near the TV in photo is a bath. Very nice room.
This was one of the window displays with just everything red.
At night this is a great water display with streams of water sent skywards to the notes of classic music, fun for all the family but mainly only kids run through the water. Quiet when we were there, with just a few grandmas and their charges but as there were a couple of drops of rain they had packed up and left. Dad was with this little boy and Dad was keen to go home but young johnny was staying over the other side, he wasnt ready for home yet.
This is the oldest bridge and it is still in use as a foot or bike bridge.
Then we turned and went up the street that is/was the top end in fashion and everything else, I dont think i ever bought anything here as it was more expensive. Would love one of those but getting it home (after re-mortgaging the house!) would be a nightmare. It would probably run into the tens of thousands.
I thought they had all gone but as it was trying to rain, there was one lone shoe shiner out, this was outside the long distance bus station.

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