Friday 30 June 2017

Chair covers

I was vacuuming today and suddenly realised that Warren's armchair was looking rather grubby in spots.
The day was a bit cold and gloomy so i didnt want to clean it when it probably wouldnt get dry so i had a brain wave instead.

I would make a cover for it. Then the covers could be taken off and washed. I would leave the cleaning of the chair for summer time when it would get dry.

I was pondering what material that I may have in my stash as it would take quite a large piece to make covers. then i remembered that I bought a large piece of fleece with the idea of making a blanket for charity but I had not done anything about it. The fabric was on special at the time.

This was the end result and it didnt take very long to do, there was enough for the back as well as my chair too. The material is in panels.
There is one panel left and I am going to make a cover for Lucy's bed when we pick it up on the weekend. yay another big piece of fabric out of my stash used to good purpose.

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