Tuesday 20 June 2017

A Portabella Burger.

John told us about this place in Shanghai, it was called Carl's junior burgers, later when we visited Shanghai together we sampled the burgers and the chips. Oh my when one has been on a diet of rice and very little meat, a genuine burger was very welcome.

The burger place was at a metro station and so very easy to get to and back, we also stayed in a hotel just across the road at one time.

As we had plenty of time on our last day in Shanghai we decided to take the metro to partake one of the yummy burgers again.

It turned out to be a three hour turn around trip as from our hotel we walked to the metro station, the receptionist assured us that it was about a twenty minute walk. Turn left out the front door, then turn left and there we would be at the station. Hummm, directions were a little vague for me, how did we know when to turn the second left. Warren was convinced that we would be able to find it. I told him that if we were in the middle of Whoop Whoop after 20 minutes, I was hailing a taxi and going to the airport for a meal. Which would have been fine except we didnt see a taxi.

It was about twenty minutes when we came to a T-junction and had to turn left and of course there were signs to the metro station pointing to it and reading 150 metres away. Thank heavens for that.

As that station was the last of the line we were able to get a seat.

We thought we needed to get out at door two but although we were in the area, door two wasnt quite right. We walked around and then I recognised the street it was at the end. ha, a nice burger and chips coming right up.

Being foreigners we were given a picture menu when it was our turn to be served. Warren choose one, the portabella burger, I was surprised but figured he was trying something a bit different, being adventurous, I said to the server that we would have two.

Warren took one bite and said to me "This is what I ordered, I wanted the bacon one" "Sorry but that was the one you pointed too and thats what we got" He stated "Who on earth would put mushrooms in a burger?" I enjoyed mine. He does like mushrooms but apparently thinks they have no place on a burger.

Back on the subway and a twenty minute walk back to the hotel, no seat this time as it was almost peak hour but after a few stops, people got off and so we did get seats for the last half.

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