Thursday 29 June 2017

Broken camera, oh no!

I would/am lost without my camera. I know i can take photos on my phone or my tablet but to me its not the same.

Actually its not my camera that was broken but the SD card. I guess because its in and out of the camera and the computer, it wore and the tiny clip on the side fell off making it a write only.

Warren told me I needed a new one.

I was at the post Office the other day to send a couple of parcels and something was niggling me that I needed something else but while there, I couldn't think of it. Got home and saw my camera forlornly sitting by the computer, then it hit me like a sledge hammer, That was it a new SD card that i should have bought at the PO. I hate making a trip out for one little thing so I put it off til I was going shopping.

Then Warren had to check in at the Drs and then Office works as our yearly calendar, which goes financial years. Office works had SD cards so i asked him to pick one up while he was there.

Ahhhh, now i can take photos again.

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