Monday 2 May 2016

Back to Blogging Boab Bob.

After a week of leisure but no phone or internet, here are some blog posts of what we have been doing.

While Aidan and I were "home" doing the washing in Fitzroy Crossing,we had a visit from Bob. He is an aboriginal guy in his fifties and he came over to see if I was interested in buying a carved boab nut from him. They were awesome, so well done. I asked him a bit about them and he took me to show me the tree that was the same, there was one just at the back of the caravans. He had apparently picked them that morning, washed and took off the outer fuzz (it is similar to peach fuzz but more dense). Once they are dry he then did the art work on them.

He only had the two that he showed me, there could have been more. The other one had kangaroos and goannas on it. I am not a fan of emus but I liked these so this was the one that I selected.

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