Thursday 19 May 2016

And now we wait (again)

So the saga of the jeep continues. Once they had established what was wrong and ordered the part, we expected (were told) it would be right on Monday. No call from the repairer so Warren rang thinking that maybe it was a long job to replace.

Apparently it had been replaced but didnt work and they needed to ring Jeep Australia in Melbourne and linked up with a computer program to re boot it. That would be done and should be ready Tuesday. We have booked at the caravan park until Wednesday as we wanted to have at least a day running the car around to make sure it would change gears.

Oops, the part was faulty so needed to get another one to send up. Expecting that on the plane Thursday at 3 pm. They Jeep Aus didn't have another so they have sourced the next model up from ours, which is supposed to be compatible. Again Warren rang to see where things are up to, it didn't arrive but should be here at 10.30 am. Again we have extended our stay here at the caravan park until Saturday morning.

Once they have the part in their hot little hands it wont/doesnt take long to fit it so it could be as early as lunch time tomorrow. Neither of us are holding our breath but we are going to take the bus into town tomorrow just for something different.

Warren is on first name basis with the service manger and even has his direct phone number. We have been told that the amount of the cost will not change and also that this guy has not seen this fault before in his time.

We will wait and see what transpires tomorrow in Warren's daily phone call (we dont want to hassle too much but want to keep in contact so they remember that we are waiting). We may need to book here for another few days as the weekend is looming and although they do work on Saturday mornings there is no guarantee  they will be able to work on it.

We had shopped last Friday when we had the hire car and as I had been food shopping every four or five days, the fridge and cupboard are having having empty spots. The freezer still has a few packs of meat but fruit is getting low. Milk is usually what we need to replace often but as its been so hot, we are only having coffee for breakfast so milk is lasting. I have a few tins of vegetables. Meals are interesting to say the least.

Tonight we had chicken burgers, no bread roll, the last of the potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes and a serve of mixed fruit for dessert. Keeping the bread in the fridge makes it last longer so there is enough to make a sandwich for lunch tomorrow with cheese last of lettuce and tomato.

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