Thursday 5 May 2016

Sunset cruise

This was a four hour bus and cruise on the lake. The bus took us across the dam wall and down to the quarry where the rocks came for the wall, then we went back to the lake to board the boat. There was a commentary for some of the way and then we stopped for a quick refreshing swim for those who wanted to go in. Our skipper was Tracey and she told us that people could either jump of the roof of the boat or swim across to land and jump off Jump rock which was about 12 metres high. Tracey did suggest that if anyone was going off Jump rock that they should keep their legs together. They had one guy a few weeks earlier who stepped off and he needed to go to hospital after the cruise!

Jordan was keen to do that and Warren and I both told him he was nuts. Of course our lot, Warren, Chris and Jordan were first in the water and they all set off swimming. Then they had to climb up on a ledge, Jordan was faster than Warren and went further and they jumped off together but the sun was in our eyes so I didnt get a photo but did get Chris' splash with the other two in the back ground. There was only time for one jump.

Two crocodile were seen which apparently was unusual this early in the season and she explained that they were freshwater crocs and dont have a wide enough mouth to take a hunk out of a person. They eat 70% insects and the rest of their diet is small fish. It is estimated that there are 30,000 crocs in the lake at any one time.
Aidan being the only kid under 10, got to start and stop the boat.

We continued on with unlimited soft drinks, tea or coffee. Just before sunset we stopped for the sunset swim and were told that everyone needed to take at least one noodle into the water so that our hands were free to hold a drink and get nibbles. The nibbles, biscuits cheese and dips were floated past and drinks were passed out or taken with us into the water. The water was warm and so clear.
Our family was the last to board as we had to have a photo taken.
and the sunset, then I jumped in the water with everyone else.

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