Friday 13 May 2016

Good news and bad news

The part for the car was in Melbourne thank goodness and has been dispatched, however it wont arrive here until late today or tomorrow but they should be fitting it on Monday Yay. Apparently then $1900+ does include fitting and delivery so we might be able to have a cup of coffee with the change from 2k.

Now that we know how long it will take, we hired a car for the few days, four days in a caravan park, is a long time to spend with no wheels.

Picked up the car yesterday and then picked up the GPS from our car in the yard, saving about $8-10 a day and set off for the mall for a coffee.
Darwin mall was pretty quiet, there was this nice fountain but it didnt go all the time.

Many of the shops were similar to home.
Getting back to the car, there was a ticket on the windscreen, what the?

It was a parking ticket costing $40. We had parked in a spot that required a ticket to be bought and displayed. The car is quite low to the ground and we pulled into the spot and looked at the sign which we saw to read 2 hours no charge. We had made sure that we were back within the time and were surprised at the ticket. On more in depth reading of the sign, under the 2 hours no charge, was the word Sat.
Damn, it was not Saturday. The top of the sign said Pay-Display but from the car we couldnt see that.

Oh dear the perils of parking in an unfamiliar city. Silly us I guess for thinking a city would have free parking.
Our savings of using our own GPS was just swallowed up in a parking fine.

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