Saturday 28 May 2016

New Wheels

As the tow vehicle is to be sold once we have finished travelling we opted to buy a ute. It is a work vehicle but only done 41k and is a very clean tidy unit.
It is a manual so I probably wont be driving it and only a two seater.
We took everything out of the jeep I was even able to prise our stickers off and add them to the ute. The 3D one is Warren's archery membership and the red poppy I bought at the Anzac Memorial at Albany WA.

Last night we went out for dinner and found that it needs more room to park than the jeep. parking was at a premium, obviously it was the night (Friday) to be out. The first park we found had a motor home on one side and a 4wd on the other.

I got out to help direct in and I didnt think that I would be able to open my door after it was parked anyway. Couldn't swing it in without hitting something so Warren backed out and we continued on finally finding a park and had to walk quite a way to the restaurant area.

This morning we went out and filled the fridge and freezer but there is a hassle with a two seater vehicle and that is, there is nowhere to put anything, of course there is a big tray at the back but I am not putting groceries in there in the elements so they had to go under my feet.

Funny, driving around this morning, we kept seeing these Madza BT 50's!

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