Sunday 8 May 2016

Katherine Museum

After a long drive seven hours in the car, we didn't do much in Katherine. The canoeing through the gorge was a no go due to low water levels.

Coming back from town, one afternoon Warren said he would like to go to the museum, it was on the way to the caravan park. My thought "Not another! then I thought maybe I could drop him and pick him up after" Then I thought that I should go with him if that what he wants to do..

Again it was a different museum to many that we have visited and thank goodness the buildings were air coned.

First building housed WW1 and 2 things but it was more about how the war affected Katherine and what happened there. My Dad was stationed not far from Katherine and he did go to Katherine and Darwin to pick up or deliver vehicles so that was interesting to me. They had a book that was for visitors to the museum to write about their family members who may have been in the area.

The next building that we went to, held a plane that had belonged to a doctor who flew it to administer to patients in the war and after. The local primary school is named after him. Clyde Felton, I had not hard of him before, he bought three planes altogether, the second one being called IOU as apparently he had to borrow a lot of money to replace the first one which he crashed.

There were also a lot of stories about notable people from the area and stories from the stolen generation.These were in written form around the sides of the building with photos of the people. Its rare to see and hear about the kids from the stolen generation.  It was well worth a look. There were  couple of other buildings one on the telegraph coming to the Centre and we had watched a doco on the floods of Katherine in 1997. We passed the bridge on the way to Darwin and it was very high above the river, 18 metres and the waters were well over it. many people lost everything but thankfully there were only three deaths.

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