Sunday 29 May 2016

Geo caching

An interesting past time. Following GPS signals to find something that is hidden from view. I went out with Sheridan a couple of weeks ago and between us we found 28 in one day. I must admit that I only found a couple but I was looking, honest!

We had also got a few finds with Sheri back in Kununarra but this morning was the first time on our own.

I checked some out last night and made a list on my tablet but of course needed our phones for the maps and GPS.

One was just down the road called A bakers dozen, great we followed the directions to the Darwin bakery, then read the rest of the info only to discover it was one of thirteen and there were prior conditions that had to be met before hand so we didnt go on with that one.

Next one was 500 metres away and the "you are here" moment was outside a concrete wall with dirt in between the concrete. It was an nano, which is very small something like the size of a stubby pencil so pretty difficult to find. Well, we went up and down that wall in a radius of 4 metres and couldnt find anything.

There was another not tlo far away and it was on a road in an industrial area but as it was Sunday it was  deserted. I saw an electrical pole and as we had found some up in the pole, I went over to give it more attention, Warren had to move the ute and when he got there, I asked him to look up inside it. He was on the other side and said "Is this it?" It was, a green mints box with a flip top, we signed the log inside and feeling pretty chuffed, we set off for the next one.

This one was at or near the Darwin Sailing Club and following the phone GPS, we wandered through the sailing boats yard to get to the sweet spot which can be 2 or 3 metres either  way. I think we got close but had to log a "did not find". There were a few others who had not found it either, although it had been found only two weeks ago.

There had been a smattering of rain which made it steamy so we went to find a cafe that was open and we did another cache before coming back but that also was a did not find. Maybe we will have better luck further down south.

Packing up to leave tonight (leaving for down south in the morning)and its different this time as we have been here so long,  three and a half weeks and we can not just put any excess stuff into the back of the car as we dont have a back seat, will take some getting used to. Our stay here has cost $45 a night but we got our membership discount for the first week and then they did give us one night free. I heard tonight at the pool that fees are going up to $50 a night from Wed, 1 Jun as that is the start of the high season. Seems strange to me that they are expecting more people but will increase the prices.

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