Wednesday 18 May 2016

Military Museum Darwin

I had always known about the bombing of Darwin but had not realised how much and how close it was to be taken over.

Warren had been to the museum before so we opted to go the battlement sites, one has been restored and the other has been just let go and it has broken down and has weeds growing in and around it.

This was inside the gun battery. Behind me is where the ammunition was kept ready to load and there is a track going between the lighter colour and dark colour of concrete that was used to pull the gun around. It is a massive thing with tons of concrete in it.

Warren says that it would have been mounded outside at the time to cover the structure from the air.

This was the scene from the top of it, there were two sets of steps going up and looking out to sea.
Beautiful spot with a scary history. 

Later we saw displays of Japanese money but written in English with shillings on them. The invasion was so close and the Japanese Government were so convinced that they were going to evade and take over Darwin that money had been printed. That I did not know.

Not a very good photo as the notes are behind glass. Two and a half times as many bombs were landed on Darwin as on Pearl Harbour. I cant find the actual number but Darwin was bombed 64 times.

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