Sunday 24 April 2016

Tunnel Creek

Tunnel Creek is 115 kms from Fitzroy Crossing. It is a unpaved road to get there and apparently need to squeeze through rocks to get into the creek and then walk through water which could be thigh high using torches in a cave. Just my kind of thing but unfortunately I needed to stay back with Aidan so the others could go. Thanks Aidan!  (just a touch of sarcasm here) Def not my idea of fun at all and I had no intention of going.

Aidan and I had a great day at home in the cool. He played mine craft for a lot of the time and I used the twin tub and did the washing then washed the cow sh.... off Maggie so it was a productive day.

The others left in the jeep early morning and didnt return until late afternoon. There were some creek crossing that the jeep handled well and the water in the cave was only about knee high, there were some crocs sighted.
   Warren and Jordan near the entrance to the creek.

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