Wednesday 11 May 2016


Finally we made it into Darwin. I first came to Darwin in 1994, just for a long weekend. Warren was paying a visit to units and he was to fly back on the Friday but I arranged to get two flex days and met him here to have Friday to Monday. he had been a couple of times with work but I hadnt.

 Coming from Canberra where it was blowing a gale and freezing, it was quite a shock to get out at Darwin airport and be met, only only by Warren but heat! I couldnt believe how hot and humid it was. He took me to the mall and I kept going into shops to get cool.

We drove to Linchfield National park and wandered around the wildlife animal park and then back to have dinner with an old school friend of Warren's and his wife. Dinner was good and I tried lots of different meats, camel, deer, crocodile and emu. At the restaurant patrons choose their meats and then took them to the chefs to cook.The chefs then threw the meat altogether on a hot plate and cooked it so didn't know what meat was what.

The next morning I was sick, not from the dinner but a raging cold had got to me, I was running a temp, coughing and wheezing and slept on and off all day. Still not that good the following morning, Monday, but had to catch a plane home. So my memories of Darwin are not great and I have always wanted to come back and see it properly.

Darwin is still not being kind to me. We arrived mid day Friday and set up. Saturday Warren wanted to get a hair cut so we went to a shopping centre.  He couldnt get an appointment for two hours, it wasnt far so we got some groceries and drove back. The car didnt seem to want to change gears. Warren returned to the shopping centre and again the car got stuck in second gear. Dealership was open until one pm so booked it in, the earlier possible time which was Tuesday, yesterday.

News on the car, we need a new gear thingy, its a sensor apparently. Not one available here in Darwin. Best scenerio is one from Melbourne which will take 3 to 4 days to get here, worst scenario is they will have to order one from the states which could be a three to four week turnaround. Cost is about $1900, not sure if that is fitted on not. Should hear from them today where a new thingy can be located, then we will decided our next move.

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