Wednesday 4 May 2016

Lake Argyle Resort/caravan park

We booked in for a week, one to give Jordan a chance to get over the bug that he had (they got awesome service at the hospital in Kununurra) and also to have some downtime for the rest of us as it is a long way across to Katherine in the Northern Territory. One week also gave us a discount so it was $39 a night over the seven nights rather $43 a night, got to make savings where you can hehe. Lake Argyle is 70 kms south west of Kununurra and only about 45 kms inside the Western Australia/Nt border..

No internet, TV or phone service, ahh what do we do without that for a week! Each afternoon internet was available in the beer garden or we could buy into a roaming service. Coffee and cake and phones at the ready to link into the service, hum, very slow. We bought some time, $19.95 for fourteen days which gave us 500mb. Oh to be absent from technology is hard to take these days. I mean someone may really want to tell us something!! Sad isnt it when we all became reliant on the internet. The service was fine to check emails and FB but not good enough to downloads photos into my blog.

A couple of times a day we visited the pool, an infinity pool which means the water goes right up to the edge and when swimming there, it was as though the pool went up to the mountains. It was cold as when people got in or swam around the top layer of water which had been warmed by the sun washed over the sides.

The pool was also about 500 metres from our site so it was good exercise to walk there have a swim and wander back.Where I am standing it is the deepest at 1.5 metres.

Often we did shower with a friend, a few green frogs frequently the bathrooms, I refused to use a cubicle that had a moving frog in it. I didn't mind so much if they were still and out of my way.

The park was nice and shady and there were plenty of sprinklers going during the day and evening to water the grass and keep the dust down. With the lake just below us which is at least 18 times the size of the Sydney harbour, they were not going to run out of water anytime soon.

The lake was dammed in the late seventies so that the water could be piped to Kununurra to grow crops.

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