Tuesday 17 February 2015


I think that is how it is spelt. This is the title of a movie that we went to see last week starring Johnny Depp, Ewan McGregor and Gwyneth Paltrough (think I got the guys name right)

We had seen the shorts a couple of weeks before and thought it would be funny which it was, just a bit of light hearted drama. Johnny Depp plays an upper crust Englishman complete with the voice and the mo. I didnt know it was him at first then I concentrated on his voice and worked out it was him.

Johnny Depp has just arrived in Queensland to film his next movie and "they" are hoping it will "kick start his ailing career" the radio just announced on air as apparently Mortacai did nothing for it and it the movie was a dismal failure.

We got a good laugh out of Mortacai, I esp loved the man servant who was a bit of a thug look alike but was always there when needed.

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