Monday 9 February 2015

Leg lamb chops

We were having visitors for dinner on Saturday night and as warren had given me the new Jamie Oliver book for Christmas, I suggested he choose something from there for me to make.

He picked a lasagna type dish with ham cheese and tomato rather than mince and crepes in between rather than lasagna sheets. Looked difficult at first then I figured that it wasn't too bad but I didn't have any ham so off I went to the Meat market, they also have vegetables and fruit.

While looking for the ham and I wanted to buy some pickled pork (which they didn't have) I saw lamb leg chops. I don't recall seeing them available in stores before but remembered them from years and years ago.  When we lived and worked on the station, part of Warren's wage was half a sheep a week and half a steer twice a year, we shared with the owner/manager. Warren's job once a week was to kill a sheep, hang it and then cut it down the next morning for each family. As there was only the two of us and a young baby, a roast leg of lamb was too much so we cut the leg into chops, nice bit of meat and very little bone.

The leg lamb chops were always tasty and I knew Warren would enjoy them plus they were half the price of loin chops. When I told him what I had bought, he decided that bbq lamb chops and salad should be on the menu that night. I made potato salad, green salad with boiled egg on top, tomato and cucumber plus a tin of beetroot. Lamb chops were topped with mushroom gravy.

The beauty of having people over is the left overs, we had enough salads for lunch with some sliced ham and the last of the chops with vegetables for dinner Sunday night.

I must try the ham lasagna sometime soon but it does say for eight people, I hope it will freeze!

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