Tuesday 10 February 2015

Sizzles for lunch

We had Christmas lunch at Sizzlers and at the end of the meal, we were given vouchers to use for a lunch meal any day in January and February. I put them on the fridge and promptly forgot about them as we had plenty of time to use them.

Wiping over the fridge the other day, I looked at them and realized that we only had three weeks to use them and there were four of them. We used one today.

The vouchers were buy two lunch time salad meals and only pay for one, by the time we did that and bought a drink, it still cost us $24. We had a great many salads to choose from plus soups and pastas.

I didn't see their potato skins and figured that maybe they didn't make them at lunch. The cheese bread was brought out and of course was yummy as usual.

I only wanted fruit for dessert so got pieces of watermelon, rock melon and honey dew, then I saw the potato skins, they were on a side table along with the pastas. Couldn't go past so grabbed two and put on my fruit plate.

We sat and had our dessert, Warren had pavlova as well and a nice coffee with it. Very nice but don't think we will use the others before they run out so I will offer them to friends on face book.

Two hours later Warren is driving down the rod and got a fit of the sneezes, I asked him what had he been eating as everything eemed to be alright I thought. He said that it was probably the cheese bread, he chooe to eat it anyway. The sneezes only lasted a little while thank goodness.

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