Thursday 12 February 2015


I am in demand at the moment to do said massages. Warren pulled a muscle or something in his forehand last week. It must have been very bad as he coudnt finish his game of tennis. A couple of times a day over the weekend, he asked with a sheepish look "Could you please do my arm?"

I had never done any massaging before he started footy boundary running at age fifty, the knots that he got in his leg after a game was incredible and I was instructed to massage baby oil and push through the muscles. It must have worked as I have been called many times since then.

He went back to tennis yesterday a week of lay off and was happy with how he served and he played again today so i figure that it is almost back to normal, although he did mention that it needs a good rub again tonight.

Maybe I should set up a payment plan?

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