Sunday 8 February 2015

Using up some of my stash

This is something that I have been doing for some time and I have emptied one plastic tub but there just seems to be more. I found about four pieces of lace curtain, different pieces and on a forum I asked what I could use them for, towels or table runners were two of the answers that I received back.

As we have the new table and it is rectangle not round like the old one, I decided to make a table runner and arm rests for the new lounge seats.

One piece gone, I used another to add to face washers that I will send to a charity that I am making some items for, as the face washers came in a pack of twelve and only three colours I have used pieces of lace to make them look different. I needed a yellow something for a school swimming carnival so I used a piece of yellow from my stash to make a top but ended up I didn't wear it as yellow is not my colour and I'm pleased to say that it was a little too big so I will have to adjust the pattern (and give the yellow shirt away. I was on a roll last weekend and made Warren a pair of boxers (pjs) and a pair of pjs for myself (but not from my stash, I bought a couple of remnant pieces for each of them) I used it all and any scraps went in the bin.

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