Sunday 1 February 2015

We've done it again!

We have sold much of our lounge room furniture, the lounge suite went on Monday. A couple came to look and bought it they were in a small station wagon. Two large wooden chairs with cushions and a three seater also wooden.

It was like a puzzle to get it in. The two chairs ended up in the back at an angle with the front seats of the car pulled the full way up. The guy who drove was quite tall so I think his knees would have been up around his elbows. All the cushions and seats fitted around the chairs and the three seater was tipped upside down and rested on the roof with ropes to tie it down going through the back doors. After much toing and froing they got going in a bit of a hurry because it looked like a storm coming. At least there was no material on the outside so if they got wet, any water would just wipe off.

We are missing the chairs that sat by the computer desk where it is customary for us to have breakfast and coffee in that spot. We intended to put something there but the old chairs were just too big for the space (even though its been like that for most of the twelve years we have lived here)

Yesterday we had to go out to vote and I had spied tub or bucket chairs in a catalogue that I thought would be suitable so a trip to a furniture place was on the agenda.

Of course the place had none or salesman couldnt tell us where they were located (or was that a plot?) we wondered around looking at other stuff knowing that we were there for the purpose of two smallish single chairs. Funny how we walked out thirty five minutes later having just paid for and organised delivery of a new lounge suite!

Several times over our married life we have done similar things gone shopping with a purpose in mind but bought something different. It has become a bit of a joke between us.

The lounge suite we bought is smaller, two recliners and a two seater lounge so furniture in the lounge room will match and we will put the theatre seats that we bought a couple of weeks ago into the family room to take the place of the two large chairs that we sold.

We have the trailer at home but I said to Warren that we would pay for the delivery, buggar trying to struggle with it between us, we are not as young as we used to be, funny that.

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